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Ozon ID
賣家自配送 (rFBS)
Ozon 大促銷
來(lái)自國(guó)外貨物添加到 Ozon.ru 平臺(tái)上的協(xié)議(cross-border)
Global University教育平臺(tái)
什么是Global University
Ozon Seller 應(yīng)用
來(lái)自國(guó)外貨物添加到 Ozon.ru 平臺(tái)上的協(xié)議(cross-border)
Revision of July 10, 2023

This revision is effective as of July 10, 2023. We publish changes to the contract in advance: if the rules on this page are not already in effect, see the previous version.


1.1. Subject of the Contract

Ozon undertakes to provide, and the Customer undertakes to accept and pay for the following services:

(a) providing the Customer with access to posting goods on the Website for the Clients to be able to order goods;

(b) technical support and support of the Customer’s activities in the PA on the Website;

(c) organization of the process of payment for goods from Clients and transfer of money received for orders to the Customer net of Ozon’s remuneration;

(d) information support of the Clients (the Support services);

(e) development, maintenance, and administration of the Customer’s PA;

(f) the dispute resolution function via the Platform;

(g) advertising services;

(h) other services hereunder.

1.2. Third parties

Ozon has the right to involve third parties in the performance of its obligations under the Contract and is liable to the Customer for their improper performance of their obligations. Within the meaning of this clause, the Payment Service Provider is not considered as a third party.

1.3. Assignment

The Customer may not assign and/or otherwise transfer its rights and/or obligations hereunder to third parties without Ozon’s prior consent. Ozon may assign and/or otherwise transfer its rights hereunder to any third parties without the Customer’s consent.

1.4. Entire agreement

The Contract contains full and complete conditions regarding its subject matter and supersedes all previous oral or written agreements between the Parties. Ozon does not give or accept any other representations, warranties or obligations, but with the exception of those expressly stipulated in the Contract.

1.5. Independence of the provisions of the Contract

The invalidity of individual provisions of the Contract does not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of the Contract and the Contract as a whole.

1.6. Parts of the Contract

Annexes to the Contract, including the Regulations, are an integral part of the Contract. The provisions of the Contract shall apply to the extent that they do not contradict the relevant Annex.

1.7. Conclusion and term of the Contract

The Contract is concluded by sending Ozon the text of the Contract (offer) with notification of Activation and pressing the “Accept Offer” button by the Customer in the PA (acceptance), as well as by any subsequent actions of the Customer in the PA to fulfill the terms of the Contract within 365 days from the date of Activation (term for acceptance). The performance by a potential Customer of any actions in the PA before Activation is not considered an acceptance. Transactions made by the Parties through actions in the PA are recognized as made in a simple written form using a simple electronic signature. All actions of the Customer in the Personal Account during the period during which the Customer is successfully authenticated in the Personal Account by Ozon ID have legal significance. The contract is deemed concluded on the date of sending the notification of Activation. The Contract is concluded for an indefinite period and extends to the relations between its Parties arising from the date of registration of the Customer on the Platform.

1.8. Refusal of Activation

Ozon may refuse Activation if the potential Customer has not been passed Ozon’s due diligence process, including if the potential Customer violates the terms of agreements previously concluded with Ozon, as well as in other cases. If Ozon has not notified about the Activation, then the Contract is considered not concluded, and the potential Customer does not become a party to the Contract and may not demand recognition of the Contract as concluded by Ozon.

1.9. Contract Performance Suspension by Ozon 

Ozon may unilaterally suspend the Services fully or partially by advising the Customer thereof in case:

(a) the Customer’s service quality indicators downgrades to critical values determined by Ozon;

(b) the Customer has any amounts in arrears under the Contract;

(c) any specific item has defects not agreed upon between the Parties or the condition of an item does not comply with the provisions of the Item Page or this Contract or an Item has defects not agreed upon between the Parties;

(d) the Customer does not comply with the contractual terms or Ozon’s instructions regarding the Platform operation, as well as violates third parties' rights;

(e) on technical or other grounds. During the suspension period, no fee shall be charged for the services directly affected by such suspension;

(f) the Customer has not provided payment details for the specified method of settlements in his/her PA.

1.10. Contract Amendment 

Ozon may unilaterally amend the terms of the Contract:

(a) at least 7 (seven) calendar days prior to such amendments become effective – in case of any amendments, except as provided by the paragraph “b”;

(b) at least 1 (one) calendar day prior to the entry into force of such amendments in cases of:

  • decreasing the amount of remuneration;
  • adding or changing the services or technical capabilities of the Platform without increasing the remuneration;
  • adding or changing services or their cost, which the Customer selects and connects to the Personal Account on his own;
  • changing the List of Prohibited Goods for the purposes of complying with legal requirements, as well as protecting the life and health of Clients or Ozon employees;
  • complying Contract’s terms with changes in the legislation.

The Customer should regularly monitor the PA and the e-mail for amendments to the Contract.

In case of disagreement with the proposed amendments to the Contract, the Customer should send Ozon a request to rescind the Contract within 7 (seven) calendar days as of the date of the amendments notification. Otherwise, such amendments shall be deemed approved by both Parties as of the date of their entry into force, shall be applied to their relations, and shall become an integral part of the Contract.

1.11. Contract termination 

Either Party has the right to rescind the Contract extra-judicially by submitting the notification. The termination date shall be the last calendar day of the reporting period following the reporting period in which the Party submitted the notification.

The Customer has the right to unilaterally extra-judicially repudiate the Contract in case of disagreement with the amendments to the Contract. The termination date shall be the 7th (seventh) calendar day from the date of submitting the notification.

Ozon has the right to unilaterally extra-judicially repudiate the Contract by submitting a notification and the termination date shall be the date of sending such a notification:

(a) if any of the Representations is found to be unauthentic, invalid, incorrect or misleading;

(b) if the Customer has committed any material violation of the obligations under the Contract, including but not limited to: provision of false information about the goods, failure to provide information at Ozon’s request or preventing Ozon from making checks of goods and Item Pages for their compliance with the requirements of the Contract or legislation, violation of the exclusive or other rights of third parties, transfer of defective goods, goods different from description in the Item Page, or goods that are counterfeit under the laws of the Customer’s Country or the Country of destination, transfer of goods other than those ordered by the Client, sale without actually sending goods to the Client, violation of payment obligations, violation of the terms of the “Confidentiality and Personal Data” Section, “Representations and warranties” Section; or

(c) in other cases provided for by law or by the Contract.

The Contract shall be terminated as follows:

(a) on the notification date Ozon shall cease the provision of the Services (except for the services related to Client’s returns), including payment of funds due to the Customer prior to the preparation of the final reconciliation report under the Contract, and make the Customer’s goods unavailable for sale;

(b) not later than on the termination date (or as soon as possible in case of unilateral repudiation of one of the Parties), Ozon shall send to the Customer reconciliation report, which the Customer shall approve within 3 (three) business days or send revised version of the reconciliation report, otherwise the reconciliation report is considered agreed by the Parties.

The terms of the Contract shall remain in force after the termination date, to the extent applicable, until the Parties conduct the final reconciliation of mutual settlements.


2.1. Conclusion of deals between the Customer and the Client 

The Customer and the Client enter into a sales transaction based on the Terms of sale of goods for Individuals (including the section “Terms of sale of goods for Individuals”). The Customer shall discharge his/her obligations under the deal with the Client while complying with the terms of the Requirements for Order Processing Section and other provisions of the Contract applicable to the Order processing.

In case of concluding any transaction for the sale of goods between the Customer and the Client through the Platform, the Customer is the direct seller of the goods and bears all the relevant rights and obligations of the seller in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, the Customer’s Country and the Country of destination and is indicated as a seller in the sales contract, shipping documents, fiscal and any other documents confirming the conclusion, execution and (or) settlement between the Customer and the Client.

2.2. Item price 

The Customer shall set forth the item price which includes the item delivery cost and shall indicate it in the PA.

2.3. Item pricing procedure 

The Customer sets the price of the goods:

(a) in the Personal Account in the currency chosen by the Customer in accordance with clause 3.3.7 of this Contract. The Customer, who previously indicated prices for goods in Russian rubles, instructs Ozon to convert prices into the currency selected by the Customer in the PA at the Conversion Rate as of 01 September 2022.

(b) on the Website for the Client in Russian rubles. On behalf of the Customer, Ozon undertakes to convert the prices for goods specified by the Customer in the currency chosen in the PA into Russian rubles at the Conversion Rate and demonstrate prices in Russian rubles for the Clients on the Website.

2.4. Item or cart discount 

Ozon shall reserve the right to provide a discount at its own expense on any item (indicating the discount rate on the Item Page) as well as apply any discounts to the total shopping cart of the Client. In this case, the cost of services of Ozon is determined based on the actual selling price of the goods. The Ozon discount does not reduce the amount of money owed to the Customer when selling such goods.

2.5. Communication rules 

Unless the Contract expressly provides otherwise, any official correspondence and communication between the Parties and all messages and/or notifications under the Contract, including, but not limited to, the Notifications:

(a) shall be made in the form of electronic messages in Russian or English;

(b) shall be sent via the PA and/or to the Customer’s e-mail address specified during registration on the Platform; and

(c) shall be deemed received on the day of sending (if sent from 12:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m. Moscow time) or on the following day after sending (if sent from 08:00 p.m. to 00:00 a.m. Moscow time).

The Customer shall regularly check its PA and e-mail for new communications. Ozon shall not be liable for any negative consequences stemming from the Customer’s untimely familiarization with the notifications.

Unless the Contract expressly provides otherwise, the Parties recognize the legal force of any official correspondence and communication between the Parties and all messages and/or notifications under the Contract, including, but not limited to, Notifications received during communication via the Personal Account and/or e-mail of the Customer specified during registration on the Platform.

2.6. Change of addresses and details 

The Parties should advise each other of changes in their legal addresses, addresses for return of goods by the Clients, details, telephone numbers and email addresses within 1 (one) business day as of the date of changes.

2.7. Support Service 

Ozon shall provide round-the-clock consulting to the Customer via the PA on any issues related to sale of the goods on the Platform. Any verbal request to the Support Service shall be deemed received at the time of its registration by the Support Service.

2.8. Communication with the Clients and responses to Support Service requests 

If the Customer directly communicates with the Client on matters related to goods via a chat, the Customer shall guarantee that all decisions made and actions performed thereby via a chat comply with the requirements of this Contract, Communication Rules with Ozon Clients, and the requirements of the effective consumer protection laws. Support Service directs requests to the Customer from the Clients. The Customer shall respond within the time frame specified in the request.

When it is necessary for the Customer to organize the delivery of goods to the Client on their own or with the involvement of delivery services, the Customer also has the right to contact the Customer using a special dedicated Ozon number. To control the quality of using the Platform, placing and fulfilling Orders, as well as fulfilling the terms of the Contract by the Customer, Ozon may record calls.

2.9. Notifications 

The Customer confirms his consent to receive from Ozon any Notifications by e-mail and by the phone number indicated in the PA, including, but not limited to, information and advertising notifications about the services and products of Ozon.

2.10. Other Terms and Conditions of Sale 

The Customer shall instruct Ozon to determine all other terms and conditions for the sale of goods through the Platform, except for the item price. The terms and conditions of return are determined by Ozon in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the Country of destination and Terms of sale of goods for Individuals and may improve Clients’ position in comparison with the law or the Contract. The Customer agrees to these terms in full.



Ozon’s remuneration shall comprise:

(a) interest of the item price, established by the Customer in the PA in the Customer’s contract currency (Fee);

(b) remuneration for the rendering of the services specified in the Contract and Annexes.

The amount of the Fee and the cost of the services hereunder shall be established in the Ozon Fees and Tariffs Section.


3.2.1. Sending Reporting documents to the Customer 

Within 5 (five) calendar days as of the end of each reporting period (calendar month), Ozon shall send the Customer the Report of the Customer’s Sales Resulting from Rendering the Services (the Report) and other documents to the PA, as required. Ozon prepares an interim report at the request of the Customer about his sales as a result of the provision of services (the Interim report) as of the 15th (fifteenth) calendar day of the reporting month. Interim report shall be for information only and shall be used solely for settlements hereunder. The Report contains information on the name and quantity of goods sold and returned, as well as on the amount of Ozon’s remuneration.

3.2.2. Approval of Reporting documents 

Within 3 (three) business days upon the date of sending of the Reporting documents by Ozon, the Customer shall:

(a) sign the documents on its part if there are no disagreements; or

(b) in case of disagreements, submit to Ozon reasoned objections executed in the form of the statement of disagreements. Upon receiving the statement of disagreements, Ozon shall introduced the amendments accepted and submit to the Customer the amended documents and the Customer shall sign this amended documents.

3.2.3. Acceptance of services in absence of feedback from Customer 

If the Customer fails to sign the Reporting documents in due time, the documents signed by Ozon unilaterally shall be deemed:

(a) duly approved by the Parties (the last day of the period provided for the Customer’s feedback shall be the document approval date); and

(b) a due confirmation of the Customer’s approval of all amounts and other terms specified therein and the due basis for payment.

3.2.4. Reconciliation report 

At the end of each calendar quarter, no later than the 15th (fifteenth) day of the following month, Ozon may place a reconciliation report for the past calendar quarter in the PA.

The Customer, within 15 (fifteen) business days after Ozon sent the reconciliation report, is obliged to:

(a) press the “Accept” button in the PA – in the absence of disagreements; or

(b) in case of disagreements, press the “Reject” button in the PA and send Ozon revised version of the reconciliation report, which indicates the documents on which disagreements arose, otherwise the Customer’s objections will be considered unreasonable.

Ozon considers any objections within 5 (five) business days and sends the reconciliation report to the Customer with amendments agreed by Ozon.

The Customer shall agree on a new reconciliation report in the PA or indicate his objections within 3 (three) business days after sending the reconciliation report. In any case, the Parties shall agree on the reconciliation report before the end of the next calendar quarter.

If the Customer does not report any objections within the prescribed period or does not indicate the documents to which the Customer has such objections, the reconciliation report placed by Ozon in the PA is considered:

(a) duly agreed by the Parties (in this case, the date of reconciliation is the last day of the above term for feedback from the Customer), and

(b) duly accepted by the Customer with respect to all amounts and other provisions specified in the reconciliation report.

Reconciliation shall be done on a quarterly basis only. Ozon does not provide an interim reconciliation report at the request of the Customer.

3.2.5. Legal force of documents 

The Parties acknowledge the legal force of documents received during communication via electronic or other communication, including using the information and telecommunications network “Internet”, as well as other documents.

The Parties acknowledge that the submission of the Accounting Documents to the PA is the required and adequate confirmation of:

(a) Ozon’s proper performance of its obligation to submit the Accounting Documents;

(b) the acceptance of the services provided by Ozon in full if the Customer has not submitted any objections following the procedure established herein.

The Parties acknowledge that the data of Ozon’s accounting systems, displayed in the PA, are the primary and reliable source of information regarding the performance by the Parties of their respective contractual obligations.


3.3.1. Features of Money Transfer Services 

Concerning the Parties' obligations of the Contract as to Ozon’s acceptance of money for the Goods from the Clients via the Website, Ozon shall act as an agent for and on behalf of the Customer. All money received by Ozon for the goods sold on the basis hereof shall be the Customer s' property and shall be held by Ozon which acts as an agent in own name, but on behalf and at the expense of the Customer until the time of settlements with the Customer.

3.3.2. Transfer of Money to the Customer 

Ozon shall transfer the money for the Customer’s goods ordered and received by Clients during the reporting month (less the amounts due to Ozon) twice a month as follows:

(a) not later than on the 25-27 (twenty fifth-twenty seventh) day of the reporting month Ozon shall transfer money to the Customer on the basis of the Interim Sales Report in the PA as of the 15th (fifteenth) calendar day of the reporting; and

(b) not later than on the 10-12 (ten-twelve) calendar days as of the date of approval of the Reporting documents Ozon shall transfer to the Customer the difference between the amount under the Reporting documents and the amount paid pursuant to the paragraph (a) of this clause.

If the money are transferred on the last day of the specified term, such transfer shall be realized on the next working day of Ozon Bank.

The money are transferred to the bank account of the Customer or the Payment service provider. The method available for mutual settlements is specified in the PA.

The Customer shall provide Ozon with complete and accurate payment details, as well as keep such information up-to-date. Upon receipt by the Customer of the notification about the need to change the method of mutual settlements or to provide the details in other currency, the Customer undertakes to promptly ensure the change of payment details in the PA. Transfer of money to the Customer using the Payment service provider 

Ozon has the right to offer the Customer the method of mutual settlements only through the Payment service provider. In this case, Ozon transfers funds to the bank account of the Payment service provider, indicating the information required by the Payment service provider for further transfer of funds due to the Customer under the Contract. Ozon reserves the right to engage Payment service providers at its own discretion.

For the avoidance of any doubt, the Parties hereby agree that if the Customer chooses settlements involving the Payment service provider:

(a) such a choice shall be deemed to be a direct instruction by the Customer to fulfill Ozon’s obligations arising under the Contract, by transferring funds to the bank account of the Payment service provider;

(b) any monetary obligations of Ozon to the Customer under the Contract shall be deemed to be duly executed on the date of debiting the funds from Ozon’s bank account (in accordance with clause 3.3.8 of the Contract).

3.3.3. Minimum Amount to Be Transferred 

If the amount of the money collected during the reporting period to pay for the Customer’s goods does not exceed 1,000 (one thousand) US dollars or 1,000 (one thousand) euro or 6500 (six thousand five hundred) yuan or 60000 (sixty thousand) Russian rubles, according to the Customer’s currency, Ozon shall transfer the money collected to the Customer on the nearest payment date upon reaching the amount specified.

3.3.4. Deduction of Money 

Ozon shall deduct the following amounts under the liabilities from the money to be transferred to the Customer:

(a) Amounts to be returned to the Clients concerning the orders cancelled or following consideration of their claims, including claims for late delivery (when the Client rejects the order due to delivery delays), as well as concerning the goods unclaimed the parcels with which have changed their status to “Delivered” within 40 (forty) calendar days as of the shipment date.

(b) Amounts reserved for claims under consideration (when the Client has contacted the Customer via the Platform but no decision has been made in his/her relation in the billing period). If the claim is resolved in favor of the Customer, the money for such claims shall be transferred to it with the next payment in accordance with the Contract provisions.

(c) Ozon’s remuneration calculated from the amount in the Customer’s contract currency.

(d) amounts of re-charged expenses, penalties and losses due to Ozon. Deduction of the specified amounts is carried out in the Customer’s contract currency, and Conversion is carried out at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of placing the relevant order or on the date of accrual of penalties and losses;

(e) the cost of delivery paid by the Client if the item was returned by the Client and the dispute in respect of the Item was resolved in favor of the Client. Deduction of the specified amount is carried out in the Customer’s contract currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation in accordance with the provisions of the Contract.

3.3.5. Invoicing 

In case of the negative balance and arrears in payment, Ozon sends to the Customer an invoice for payment, which the Customer must pay within 7 (seven) calendar days.

3.3.6. Offset Right 

Ozon has the right to make unilateral offsets for counter monetary obligations of the Customer arising under the Contract and other agreements concluded between the Parties, with the sending to the Customer of a document confirming the offset of counter claims.

The Parties agreed that if Ozon and the Customer have counter monetary obligations denominated in different currencies, the Customer’s monetary obligation is updated into a monetary obligation expressed in the same currency as Ozon’s counter obligation, for the subsequent offset of the specified homogeneous obligations of the Parties and without conclusion of a separate agreement on this, by sending Ozon a notification of novation. The date of such novation of the original obligation into a newly arising obligation is the date of notification of the novation by Ozon. The amount of the novated monetary obligation and the amount of the newly arising monetary obligation are determined based on the novation notification sent by Ozon and if it is necessary to convert the currency, the novation is carried out at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of novation. For the avoidance of doubt, the Parties have agreed that such an novation terminates the obligations associated with the original obligation, and under no circumstances terminates other obligations of the Parties under the Contract.

3.3.7. Customer’s contract currency 

Funds from Clients for orders placed on the Website shall be accepted by Ozon in the Russian rubles and be transferred to the Customer in the contract currency (available to the Customer upon registration in the Personal Account) chosen by Customer, at the rate specified in “Conversion rate” Section Section on the date of placing the relevant order.

The Customer’s contract currency and the payment currency can be determined based on the Customer’s Country or the currencies available in the Customer’s Country automatically during the registration of the Customer or during the term of the Contract.

When performing the Conversion and mutual settlements under the Contract, the Parties agreed on the following procedure:

(a) Funds due to the Customer as of 31 July 2022, but not transferred in accordance with the clause 3.3.2 (b) of the Contract shall be transferred in the Customer’s settlement currency at the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation as of July 31, 2022.

(b) The funds due to the Customer for the goods, the sales of which will be reflected in the Reporting documents, starting from August 2022, will be transferred in the manner specified in clause 3.3.7 of this Contract, with the exception of clause (a) above. Change of payment currency 

Ozon has the right to change the payment currency to the currency of the Customer’s Country or other currency available in the Customer’s Country by sending a notification in the PA. From the date of receipt of the notification, the funds due to the Customer in the contract currency, will be transferred in the currency changed at the cross rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of the bank remittance order.

3.3.8. Payment 

The obligation to pay any amount under the Contract shall be deemed fulfilled at the moment the funds are debited from the Ozon current account.

3.3.9. VAT 

The cost of Ozon services is exclusive of VAT. If any Ozon services should be subject to VAT under the laws of the Russian Federation, this tax will be accounted for by Ozon at the effective rate and invoiced to the Customer in addition to the cost of services. VAT according to the legislation of the Client 

If, in accordance with the legislation of the Client’s country, Ozon is obliged to pay VAT or other similar tax in relation to goods sold by the Customer through the Platform, the Client shall pay the selling price of the goods set by the Customer and the amount of applicable tax.

The amount of tax that the Client pays when paying for the goods, Ozon credits to its own account and transfers to the budget of the state that established such tax, in the manner and terms provided by law. The tax amount does not increase the sales price for the Customer and is not reflected in the Customer’s Reporting documents.

3.3.10. Suspension of the transfer of money to the Customer 

If there are cases of violation by the Customer of the provisions of the Contract (including transfer of goods different from the one ordered by the Customer, transfer of goods that are counterfeit under the laws of the Customer’s Country or Country of destination), as well as if Ozon does not have (the Customer fails to provide) the complete and accurate Customer’s payment details, including in terms of the changed method of mutual settlements in the PA or details in the currency of the Customer’s Country, Ozon has the right to suspend the transfer of money until the circumstances of the violation are clarified or complete and accurate payment details are received from the Customer. Ozon notifies the Customer about the occurrence of the circumstances specified in this clause.

The Parties confirm that, within the meaning of this clause, no interest shall accrue for the use of other persons’ funds.

3.3.11. Responsibility for payment information 

The Customer shall be responsible for any negative consequences of the indication of payment details during registration or in the Personal Account (for any chosen method of settlement), failure to provide and/or provision of incomplete or inaccurate payment details, as well as for the consequences with respect to the internal policy and/or regulation of bank and/or Payment Service Provider of which the Customer is a client.


4.1. General liability provisions 

In case of non-performance or improper performance by one of the Parties of its obligations under the Contract, the Parties shall be held liable pursuant to the Contract and, in the part not regulated by the Contract, pursuant to the laws of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise established by the Annex hereto.

4.2. Limitation of Ozon’s liability 

To the maximum extent permitted by law, the Parties agree that:

(a) any claims against Ozon under the Contract or in connection with it shall be limited to compensation for actual damage and shall under no circumstances include lost profits or other indirect losses;

(b) Ozon shall be exempt from liability for failure to discharge or improper discharge of its obligations if the Customer has not advised Ozon of its claim within 30 (thirty) days as of occurrence of the grounds for such a claim;

(c) the Customer will keep Ozon harmless from any claims of third parties in connection with the Contract and will indemnify Ozon for any property losses, costs and expenses (including the costs of external legal advisers) which may arise in connection with such claims;

(d) under no circumstances, Ozon shall be held liable for the quality of the goods transferred by the Customer to the Client;

(e) Ozon shall not be held liable for failure to discharge or improper discharge of its obligations if the Customer has provided Ozon with unauthentic, incomplete, inaccurate or misleading Representations, data, payment details, addresses, including addresses for return of goods by Clients, or other information. Claims by the Clients and inspection bodies related to incomplete/unauthentic/incorrect information and data should be settled at the Customer’s expense.

4.3. Compensation of damages 

At Ozon’s request, the Customer should compensate Ozon’s documented and justified damage for any of the following violations breaches:

(a) Violation of the requirements of the laws on protection of the rights of consumers of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination;

(b) Violation of the Representations of the Representations and Warranties Section;

(с) Violation of non-disclosure restrictions;

(d) Infringement of intellectual property rights of Ozon or third parties;

(e) Provision of incomplete/unauthentic/incorrect information and data;

(f) Violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination on taxes and fees, as well as violation of representations and warranties with respect to taxes and fees, as a result of which the Customer is obliged to reimburse Ozon for the amount of additional accrued and paid in the territory of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination on the basis of an act of a state body, including a decision of a tax authority or decisions to initiate a criminal case, taxes, contributions, penalties, fines for relevant tax violations, losses (expenses) incurred by Ozon as part of an appeal against claims from tax authorities caused by the Customer’s violation of the representations and warranties specified in the Contract, within the framework of pre-trial / judicial settlement.

Ozon has the right to withhold any of the amounts of forfeits (fines, penalties) and/or losses from the amounts due to the Customer under the Contract. Such withholding of penalties and/or losses will be carried out for the purpose of offsetting the Customer’s monetary obligation to pay the amounts of penalties and/or losses against Ozon’s monetary obligation to pay in accordance with the Contract.

4.4. Compensation for losses 

The Customer undertakes to reimburse in full all Ozon’ property losses incurred by Ozon in connection with the presentation of pre-court claims, claims and/or claims by any third parties, including state bodies, based on the absence the Customer has the rights necessary to use the trademarks posted by the Customer on the Platform in connection with the offer for sale of goods.

4.5. Customer’s liability for item safety 

The Customer shall be held fully liable for the item safety at its delivery. All claims received in connection with damage to the item at the time of shipment shall be resolved in the Client’s favor.

4.6. Payment of compensations 

Penalties or losses provided for hereby and by the Annexes hereto shall be calculated and paid only on the basis of a written claim posted in the Customer’s PA. The Parties agreed that the amount of compensation is limited to the price of the goods specified in the PA by the Customer after applying the discount established by the Customer on the date of calculation of the amount of compensation, minus the Commission of Ozon. Compensation shall be paid in the Customer’s contract currency, and if conversion is necessary, the Parties shall apply the exchange rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of execution of the relevant order by the Client. Ozon may request from the Customer documentary confirmation of the price of the goods specified in the Customer’s PA (consignment notes with information on the price at which the Customer purchased the goods, or documents containing information on the costs of manufacturing the goods by the Customer), and the Customer is obliged to provide them within 5 (five) business days. If the documents are not provided within the specified period, the price of the goods can be determined as the minimum price indicated by the Customer in the PA for the last 3 (three) months. In case of discrepancy between prices, the amount of compensation shall be determined according to the documents provided by the Customer.

4.7. Force majeure 

The parties shall not be held liable for failure to discharge or for improper discharge of their obligations under the Contract if it is caused by extraordinary and unavoidable circumstances arising upon acceptance of the order (force majeure) which are confirmed with documents of the competent bodies. If the force majeure persists for more than 6 (six) months, either Party may rescind the Contract without any compensation to the other Party. The Party affected by the circumstances mentioned above is obliged to notify the other Party within 5 (five) calendar days from the date of occurrence of the circumstances mentioned above.

4.8. Applicable law and dispute resolution 

Unless otherwise established by the Annex hereto, the Contract shall be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation. The Parties will make every effort to resolve any disputes and differences arising between them under the Contract or in connection with it through negotiations. The time for consideration of a claim shall be 30 (thirty) calendar days as of the date of receipt. Unless otherwise established by the Annex hereto, any dispute not resolved through negotiations shall be settled at the Arbitrazh court of the city of Moscow.

4.9. Language of the Contract 

This Contract is drawn up in Russian and English. In the event of any inconsistency between the Russian and English versions, the Russian version shall prevail.

Separate Annexes to this Contract may be drawn up exclusively in Russian.


Ozon (also Contractor) means Internet Solutions Limited Liability Company (Primary State Registration No. (OGRN) 1027739244741, legal address: Presnenskaya naberezhnaya, 10, premises 1, floor 41, office 6, Moscow, 123112, Russia) and/or OZON Market Bel Limited Liability Company (UNP 193602362, legal address: 223053, Republic of Belarus, Minsk region, Borovlya council, 58/10, area of the village of Korolev Stan, 3rd floor, room 24.

CPC means a type of advertising campaign, when choosing which the Customer pays Ozon service in the event of Client’s Click to the link in the Recommendation Block, will be applied when the Customer selects the “Clicks” payment type in the PA.

CPM means a type of advertising campaign, when choosing which the Customer pays Ozon service per number of the Advertising Materials displays in the Recommendation Block, will be applied when the Customer selects the “Impressions” payment type in the PA.

Cut-off is the time set by Ozon or the Customer in the PA for specific orders, before which the Customer is obliged to confirm the readiness of the goods included in the order for transfer to delivery.

Activation means the confirmation sent by Ozon to the Customer about the activation of his/her PA.

Banner means a banner containing advertising information or a hyperlink to the Customer’s goods only on the Website.

Contract means this contract entered into between Ozon and the Customer on the terms specified below, the text of which is posted in the PA.

Order means an item or a set of goods that the Client ordered from the Customer on the Platform.

Customer (Seller) means a person being non-resident of the Russian Federation, registered on the Platform who has completed the Activation and sells goods via the Platform directly. For the purposes hereof, the Customer shall be the Customer of the services rendered using the Platform.

Integrated delivery method means a method of delivery of orders by those Delivery Services that automatically, through the integration of internal systems, transmit information to Ozon about the status of the movement of the order. In some cases, before setting up the Integrated Delivery Method in the Personal Account, the Customer is required to conclude an Agreement with the Delivery Service.

Item Page means the aggregate information about an item on the Platform, including the item images, a text describing its characteristics, price, and terms of sale as well as information about the Customer and the item manufacturer.

Client means a legally capable individual purchasing an item from the Customer on the Platform solely for personal needs not related to business.

Click means the user’s addressing to the link to goods contained in the Recommendation Block.

Conversion means the process of converting monetary amounts denominated in one currency into amounts denominated in currency chosen by the Customer under the Contract.

Bulky item shall mean an item, the sum of the length and perimeter of the largest cross-section of which is more than 200 (two hundred) centimeters or the maximum side of which is more than 105 (one hundred and five) centimeters or whose weight is more than 20 (twenty) kilograms.

Conversion rate means the value provided for the Conversion, set on a daily basis and specified in the “Conversion rate” Section, binding to the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Personal Account (PA) means the Customer’s personal page on the Platform containing information about the Customer, goods offered by him/her and orders from the Customer.

Non-redemption is a situation when the Client completely or partially refuses the goods in the order upon receipt.

Non-Integrated delivery method means a delivery method by Delivery Services that do not provide the Integrated delivery method.

Declared value means the value of the goods established by the Customer at the time of the creation of a specific order of the Client and recorded in the PA.

Cancellation means a situation when the Client refuses to receive the order before delivery or does not receive the order.

Shipment — goods or a set of goods that the Customer has packed and labeled (if applicable).

Partner means a third party who provides services to the Customer or Ozon (in the interest of the Customer), including Ozon Logistics Partner, Fulfilment Partner and other partners, indicated in the relevant clauses of the Contract.

Platform means the aggregator of information about goods - an information system (computer program) posted on the Site, which provides Customers with the opportunity to place goods for the purpose of sale, as well as receive information about orders. The Platform functions available to the Customer are determined by Ozon.

Display means item’s representation in the Recommendation Block in sight of the Client.

Payment service provider means a legal entity that simultaneously:

(a) within the framework of the agreement concluded with the Customer, provided the Customer with the payment details specified by the Customer in the Personal Account;

(b) is technically available for the Customer to choose when registering or in the Personal Account for the purposes of making settlements under this Contract;

(c) has technical integration with Ozon, within the framework of which Ozon may transfer information necessary for the Payment service provider to further transfer to the Customer’s account opened on the basis of the agreement specified in paragraph (a) of this definition, for the purposes of fulfill Ozon’s obligation to pay.

Attracted Item means an item from the order executed after the user’s click on the Advertising Material in the Recommendation Block and transferred to the status “Paid”.

Advertising Material means item’s image, Banner or other material provided by the Customer and corresponding to the Item Requirements Section.

Recommendation Block means a place dedicated to placement of Advertising Materials of Customers on the Platform, and on other partner websites of Ozon in the Internet network.

Website means www.ozon.ru and/or www.ozon.by and Ozon mobile application that are owned and managed by Ozon.

Delivery Service means is a person who carries out international delivery of orders to Clients on behalf of the Customer on the basis of a separate contract concluded with him.

Support Service means integrated services rendered to the Customer by Ozon to consult the Customer on issues related to his/her activities to sell goods to the Clients on the Platform as well as to process the Clients' applications to the Customer pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Requirements for order Processing Section.

Rate means amount of Ozon remuneration for the Service on promotion of the Customer’s goods.

Customer’s Country means the country in which the Customer has a registered presence and/or is registered with the tax authorities in connection with its commercial activity.

Country of destinations means the country in which the goods are transferred to the Client.

Tech Partners are third parties that have entered into an Agreement with Ozon Tech Partners (cross-border) with Ozon.

Item means an object of the material world that the Customer has placed for sale on the Platform (in plural also “Goods”).

Track number means a unique alphanumeric or numeric code (barcode - identifier) that is assigned to orders and allows you to track the status of their delivery in the Delivery Service.

Notification means an electronic message sent by Ozon to the Customer’s PA as well as to his/her Email.

Email means the email address provided by the Customer when registering on the Platform.

Terms of sale of goods for Individuals means the terms on which the Client places an order for goods as well as pays for them, returns them, and communicates with the Customer concerning them and which are posted on the Platform located at: https://docs.ozon.ru/common/pravila-prodayoi-i-rekvizity/usloviya-prodayoi-tovarov-dlya-fizicheskih-lits-v-ozon-ru/.


1. Information About the Customer 

The Customer shall specify in its PA its trade name in accordance with the requirements of the effective laws, including the trade name that does not mislead with regard to the PA’s belonging to a specific party.

2. Registration and authentication using Ozon ID 

When registering in the PA or in already existing PA, the Customer links Ozon ID when authorizing in the PA, and Ozon authenticates the Customer using a one-time password to the phone number and/or email linked to Ozon ID, certifying the Customer’s right to access the PA. By linking Ozon ID to the PA, the Customer undertakes to comply with the Terms of Use of Ozon ID.

The Customer shall take all necessary measures to ensure the confidentiality of Ozon ID and not provide access to the PA and Ozon ID to third parties, except when these parties act on behalf of the Customer (the Customer is responsible for the actions of such third parties as for his own).

The Parties shall recognize that Ozon ID data and any information displayed in the Customer’s PA is Confidential Information.

3. Access reset by the Customer 

If the Customer has any doubts about the security of Ozon ID or the password or the possibility of its unauthorized use by third parties, the Customer should immediately notify the Support Service (via the PA or by contacting it).

4. Access reset by Ozon 

If Ozon has any suspicions about use of the Customer’s PA by a third party or by malicious software, Ozon may unilaterally reset the Customer’s password of the PA and/or terminate access to the PA using the linked Ozon ID. The Customer may link new Ozon ID to the PA only during personal contact with the Support Service and identification of the Customer.

5. Filling orders placed 

Unless it is contrary to the law, the Parties shall ensure filling all orders placed but not completed and shall continue to communicate with each other or with the Clients in respect of such orders upon the Contract cancellation date.

6. PA deletion after the Contract termination 

Upon completion of all actions in respect of the orders previously placed, Ozon shall delete the PA and all information about the Customer’s goods from the Platform without the possibility of recovery.

7. PA Deactivation right 

With a prior Notification, Ozon may deactivate the Customer’s PA (suspend the provision of the Services) in case of violation of any term of this Contract.

8. Ozon’s Actions in the PA 

Ozon, represented by its employees and other authorized persons, has the right to perform all actions in the Customer’s Personal Account necessary to resolve the Customer’s requests to the Support Service, which the Parties consider performed on the instruction of the Customer.

9. Separate PAs for Websites 

If the Customer’s Country is the Republic of Belarus, and the goods are to be sold on the Sites www.ozon.ru and www.ozon.by, the Customer undertakes, if necessary, to create separate Personal Accounts for each of the specified Sites.

10. Integration into Personal Account via Ozon Seller API 

The Customer can use the tool for integrating his accounting system with the PA via Ozon Seller API. Through integration via Ozon Seller API, the Customer can upload, update and receive item data. Terms of integration via Ozon Seller API are contained in the Ozon Seller API Documentation.

The Parties acknowledge that when integrating via Ozon Seller API, the data reflected in the Ozon system take precedence over the data reflected in the Customer’s system.

11. Electronic signature in the PA 

Simple electronic signature (SES) means a digital signature, which by use of codes, passwords or other tools, confirms that an electronic document has been drawn up by the Customer or by Ozon, performing actions in the PA.

SES key means a unique sequence of symbols intended for creation of the electronic signature. In respect of SES, codes, passwords and other tools or a combination thereof, play the role of the SES key. SES is created by the Customer in Ozon information system when confirming actions in the PA using the SES key: entering a password when the Customer successfully authenticates in the PA or a SMS-code received by the Customer, including when the Customer authenticates via Ozon ID. The Customer shall keep confidential the SES key.

The Customer’s actions in the PA are performed by drawing up an electronic document in Ozon information systems. Such electronic documents (files, electronic protocols, logs, program codes and other information in electronic form):

  • are deemed signed by the Customer using SES;
  • are equivalent to the paper documents signed by the Customer’s own hand;
  • have legal consequences similar to handwritten signatures in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

The Parties have agreed on the distribution of the burden of proof in disputes about SES:

  • in respect of the presence or authenticity of the SES, the burden of proof is on the Party, which does not agree on the presence or authenticity of the SES;
  • in respect of the fact of amendments in the electronic document, the burden of proof is on the Party that asserts this fact;
  • in respect of the fact of receipt by one of the Parties of the electronic message signed by SES, the burden of proof is on the Party challenging this fact.


1. Selecting a Partner 

Services under this Contract may be provided by the Partners. Ozon organizes the interaction between the Customer and the Partners, with whom the Customer or Ozon (on the instruction of the Customer) concludes the contract.

2. Terms of interaction with Partner 

Ozon transmits to the Partners the Customer’s contact details provided by the Customer during registration on the Platform or later in the Personal Account. The Customer has the right to provide the Partner with the access to his/her Personal Account, thereby instructing the Partner to perform actions in the Personal Account, which are necessary to perform such instructions. Ozon shall not be held liable for the Partner’s actions in the Customer’s Personal Account.


1. Item Page creation 

The Customer shall independently create a new Item Page in his PA or add its own price offer to the existing Item Page. The Customer who created the Item Page has the right to establish a ban on copying and/or duplication by other Customers. On behalf of the Customer, Ozon may set a maximum amount of Item Pages created by the Customer.

2. Responsibility for item Page information 

The Customer is responsible for the completeness and compliance of the information in the Item Page with the requirements of the law and the Contract. The Customer should keep up to date any information about the item, its range, and price which is provided on the Item Page. If an Item Page contains inaccurate information, the Customer shall assume any and all negative consequences that may arise in this regard, including when calculating the amount of Ozon’s Remuneration based on inaccurate data.

The Customer is prohibited from placing information (including images) on the Item Page:

(a) not directly related to the item and/or its description;

(b) distribution of which is prohibited in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the Country of destination;

(c) for the distribution of which administrative or criminal liability is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and/or the Country of destination;

(d) containing (including but not limited to): public calls for terrorist activities or justification of terrorism; extremist materials; propaganda or scenes of pornography, violence and cruelty; foul language; information discrediting certain categories of persons on various grounds, including attitudes towards religion, place of residence, in connection with their political convictions;

(e) containing phone numbers, messenger accounts, email addresses, links to third-party Internet resources.

3. Message about item Page inconsistency 

If any inconsistencies are discovered on any Item Page, the Customer should immediately advise Ozon about that indicating such inconsistencies.

4. Item Page processing 

In case of violation of the legislation and the provisions of the Contract, Ozon has the right to make checks of any Item Page (both at the stage of its creation and after posting it on the Platform) and in case of insufficiency or inconsistency of the content of such Item Page with the legislation or the provisions of the Contract, at its option:

(a) require from the Customer to make amendments (and the Customer is obliged to make them immediately);

(b) independently change the item category or the content of the Item Page, including attribute values; and (or);

(c) correct the translation of information on the Item Page without misrepresenting the content;

(d) block the Item Page on the Platform making the item unavailable for the Client to order.

The Customer agrees that Ozon, when checking and making changes to the Item Page, may use information from the official websites of manufacturers/official distributors of goods.

5. Item Page blocking 

Ozon has the right to block the Customer’s Item Page without prior notification and the Customer’s consent in the following cases:

(a) the item is posted in the wrong category;

(b) the item has the wrong item type;

(c) the description is inconsistent with the item name;

(d) the description does not meet Ozon’s requirements;

(e) the image is inconsistent with the item name;

(f) the image is inconsistent with the specifications stated;

(g) the item is displayed “in stock” on the Website but the Customer cancels the item order with the “out of stock” reason;

(h) upon receipt of an appeal from the copyright holder about the violation of his right to a trademark;

(i) upon receipt of information that the item is counterfeit.

6. Item Page use 

Ozon may post the Item Page and/or any information units included in it:

(a) on the Platform together with other customers' price offers for similar goods;

(b) on third-party resources for advertising and marketing purposes; the cost of such placement shall be additionally determined by Ozon in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Contract.

7. Separate Item Pages on the Websites 

If the Customer’s Country is the Republic of Belarus and the goods are to be sold through the use of the Websites www.ozon.ru and www.ozon.by, the Customer undertakes, if necessary, to create separate Item Pages in the PA for each of the specified Websites.

8. Hiding of Item Page 

Ozon may hide Item Pages with low efficiency (unpopular products) from the Platform. Ozon independently sets the performance indicators of the Item Page and, in case of non-achievement, hides the Item Pages in the prescribed manner.



1.1. Compliance with the requirements of the Platform 

The item should comply with the terms of the Contract, the description on the Item Page in all respects, including, but not limited to, the item size and weight as well as with Ozon’s other requirements in the PA. If the goods do not comply with the requirements above, Ozon may suspend the performance of its obligations with regard to such goods.

1.2. Item quality 

The item shall be of adequate quality, i.e. they shall be usable for the purposes for which goods of the respective type are normally used and the goods themselves or their packages shall not be visibly altered, deformed, or broken. Upon Ozon’s request submitted through the PA prior to or after the commencement of item sale, the Customer shall specify in the PA the details of documents confirming the compliance of the goods with all mandatory quality requirements (and/or upload copies of such documents), keep the documents in the PA updated (in case of changes).

1.3. Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) 

In respect of all goods the Customer shall receive the exclusive right or licenses or other necessary consents to use of trade names, trademarks, service marks, trade designations, names, images and/or other protected IPRs of third parties. The Customer, at the request of Ozon, before or after the start of the sale of the goods, is obliged to provide copies of documents confirming the right to use IPRs, including in the Country of destination.

The Customer guarantees that its provision of the respective documents does not violate any agreements between the Customer and third parties, including confidentiality terms (regarding trade secrets, personal data, etc.), as well as other provisions of applicable laws. The Customer agrees that Ozon may verify accuracy and validity of the provided documents by, including but not limited to, making requests to the persons who issued such documents, are their signatories or indicated in the documents as contact/authorized persons. The Customer also guarantees that Ozon’s communication with the abovementioned persons shall not violate such persons’ rights, and where provided for in applicable laws all consents/permissions for Ozon to communicate with such persons have been obtained.

1.4. Appeal of IP rights holder 

If Ozon receives a request from the trademark owner regarding the violation of exclusive rights to goods placed by the Customer on the Platform, Ozon requests from the Customer documents confirming its right to sell such goods, and the Customer is obliged to provide documents to Ozon. Until the documents are provided, Ozon has the right to block the Customer’s Item Page, making it unavailable for ordering by the Customer.

After receiving the documents, Ozon decides on the legality of placing the Customer’s goods on the Platform for sale. If the goods are placed legally, Ozon removes the block from the Customer’s Item Page.

The IP rights holder has the right to familiarize himself with the documents provided by the Customer in relation to the disputed goods, as well as with the list of Customers selling goods for which the IP rights holder has exclusive rights.

The Customer agrees that Ozon is also entitled to provide its contact details to the relevant right holder at the latter’s reasoned request to contact the Customer for the purpose of pre-trial settlement of the dispute and/or going to court regarding the violation of exclusive rights. Ozon is not responsible for the transfer of such data to the IP rights holder, their use by the IP rights holder, and does not participate in further interaction between the Customer and the IP rights holder.

1.5. Submission of documents 

The Customer should provide Ozon with confirmation of the item compliance with the requirements of the legislation and the Contract within 3 (three) calendar days as of the date of sending the request, as well as in case of receiving a request from the copyright holder, confirmation of the legality of placing the goods on the Platform.

1.6. Item packing 

The item shall be supplied in containers and/or packing to ensure its safety (and, if necessary, air tightness) during transportation, sorting, handling at the warehouse process, storage, loading into the vehicles and unloading from them in the standard conditions. The item packing should be intended for the item weight and should keep it. Goods with protruding sharp parts and corners should have protective covers on the relevant parts or should have enduring packing not allowing penetration of sharp elements beyond it.


The Customer may not post for sale on the Platform goods the sale of which is prohibited or restricted by the laws of the Russian Federation remotely, including (without limitation) the following goods:

  • alcoholic beverages;
  • precious and rare earth metals;
  • weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive devices, means of detonation, cartridges, means of exploding, gunpowder;
  • radioactive materials, X-ray equipment and devices, devices and equipment using radioactive substances and isotopes, radioactive materials;
  • erotic and pornographic materials;
  • encryption equipment;
  • poisons, narcotic drugs, and psychotropic substances, and their precursors;
  • human remains and ashes; infectious substances (biological materials, injection solutions, immunobiological preparations);
  • products made from toxic materials;
  • ethyl alcohol and ethyl-containing products;
  • special and other technical means intended for covert obtaining extraction of information in a surreptitious manner;
  • all types of weapons;
  • goods that are objects of cultural heritage;
  • pesticides and agricultural chemicals;
  • poaching products;
  • tobacco products;
  • jewelry (except for goods permitted for sale in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation);
  • medical drugs, vitamins, supplements (except supplements officially certified for sell in Russia);
  • hookahs, bongs;
  • devices for the consumption of nicotine-containing products (including products with heated tobacco, solutions, liquids, mixtures or gels, including nicotine-free liquids);
  • Covid-19 test kit not intended for household use;
  • veterinary drugs;
  • veterinary vitamins;
  • live plants, seeds;
  • eat belt adapters, including seat belt adjuster, seat belt guide, seat belt cover, seat belt triangle;
  • road signs;
  • frameless child seats;
  • precious stones which are not part of jewelry;
  • food products other than groceries, confectionery, and beverages with a storage temperature of +17 to +24 degrees Celsius;
  • the Airsoft and Pneumatics category products: products with a muzzle energy of more than 3 J;
  • live animals and insects;
  • gas cartridges for self-defense, as well as any mechanical sprayers, aerosols, and other devices equipped with substances that cause tear or irritation;
  • mercury thermometers;
  • dietary supplements containing plants and plant processing products, psychotropic, narcotic, potent, or toxic substances (as per Appendix 7 to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union “On Food Safety”);
  • poppers;
  • second-hand goods;
  • pyrotechnics of IV and V hazard classes;
  • disposable electronic cigarettes and vaping liquid, including nicotine-free;
  • net fishing gear;
  • electrofishing systems and devices for catching by means of electric current;
  • traps and snares;
  • animal behavior correction collars with electrical and/or ultrasonic and/or sound effects;
  • goods, the appearance (including the images placed on them) or the content of which includes the promotion propaganda narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors; propaganda or cruelty to animals; propaganda or public display of Nazi attributes or symbols; promotion of non-traditional sexual relations, gender reassignment, pedophilia;
  • goods intended for free distribution (marked “Not for sale”);
  • food products containing fly agarics;
  • ritual goods (monuments, coffins, burial sets, ritual clothing, funeral goods);
  • digital goods, including those on tangible media;
  • special means of traumatic and restraining effect;
  • universal keys for intercoms, which can be used without unique configuration.


1. Rating assignment 

Ozon may assign service quality indicators of the Customer in front of the Client such as the Customer’s price index relative to market prices, order cancellation rate to the total number of orders, expired deliveries due to the Customer’s fault, as well as other indicators and their critical level. Ozon has the right to change indicators and their critical level unilaterally, notifying the Customer.

2. Rating change 

If the Customer’s service quality indicators downgrades, Ozon may set limits on his/her posting of goods on the Platform and impose other restrictions on the Platform use. If the Customer’s service quality indicators downgrades to critical values, Ozon may suspend performing the obligations under the Contract or terminate the Contract.

3. Blocking and restricting access 

Ozon has the right to block the Customer’s Item Pages and restrict his access to the Platform in case of a decrease in service quality indicators. Until the blocking and introduction of restrictions, Ozon sends a notification to the Customer about the need to correct the service quality indicators for 7 (seven) calendar days. After blocking the Item Pages and restricting access to the Platform, the Customer has the right to correct the service quality indicators and send Ozon a request to remove the blocking and restrictions.

In case of violation of the terms of the Contract, Ozon has the right to block the Customer’s Item Pages and to restrict access to the Platform without prior notification to the Customer.


The Customer shall represent and guarantee to Ozon as follows:

1. Authenticity of representations 

All Representations shall be authentic, valid, accurate, and not misleading as of the date of conclusion of the Contract and during the period of its validity. In case of occurrence of any circumstances which can indicate their unauthenticity, invalidity or inaccuracy, the Customer should immediately advise Ozon thereof. The Parties agree that Ozon relies on the representations and warranties provided by the Customer.

2. Compliance with legal requirements 

The Customer represents and warrants that the Customer has all the rights and powers necessary to conduct economic activity (legal capacity), as well as the Customer has obtained all the necessary permits from the authorized bodies or organizations to exercise the rights and fulfil the obligations under the Contract.

All documents and information provided prior to the conclusion of the Contract and/or during the preliminary legal and financial due diligence of the Customer according to Ozon’s internal procedures, including due diligence and anti-money laundering procedures (where applicable), were accurate when submitted, valid, accurate and not misleading.

The Customer agrees that, to control quality of the Platform use, placing and shipping Orders, as well as Customer’s performance of the Contract terms, Ozon may at any time conduct due diligence on the Customer by, including but not limited to, requesting supporting documents and information from the Customer, as well as verifying their accuracy and validity. The Customer guarantees that the provision of relevant documents and information does not violate any agreements with third parties, including in terms of the confidentiality of restricted information (information constituting a trade secret, personal data, etc.), as well as the applicable provisions of the current legislation.

The Customer confirms that he undertakes to comply with the requirements (confirms that he complies with the requirements) of all applicable laws, including laws related to anti-money laundering, anti-corruption and anti-bribery, in compliance with sanctions and anti-illegal trade, prohibition of the use of child or forced labor, the proper use of confidential information (including inside information), and also not to take any action that may lead to a violation of such laws, not to facilitate, encourage or induce anyone to participate in such activities.

The Customer guarantees and confirms the implementation of a sufficient and effective internal control system; measures to detect and prevent the giving of bribes and commercial bribery with the participation and (or) in relation to their employees in the process of carrying out their official duties; legalization of proceeds from crime; violations of applicable sanctions and illegal trade; improper use of confidential information (including insider information).

The Customer represents and warrants that at the time of signing the Contract and in the tax periods during which operations are performed under the Contract, it does not and will not reduce the amount of taxes payable in the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination as a result of misrepresentation of information about the facts of economic life (the totality of such facts); correctly qualifies its tax liabilities arising on the territory of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination, based on the actual circumstances of the execution of the Contract.

The Customer also confirms its agreement with the main provisions of the Ozon anti-corruption and ethical business Policies posted on the Platform and follows them.

These representations and warranties, and other compliance obligations are fully reflected in the Anti-Corruption and Regulatory Compliance Clause and the Standard Clauses, which, by accepting the terms of the Contract, the Customer agrees to and undertakes to follow them.

The Parties agree that the above warranties have material significance for them for execution of the Contract and for performance of their obligations hereunder.

3. Information disclosure 

The Customer shall have the organizational, financial, human, and other resources necessary for due performance of the Contract and shall have expressly disclosed all material information about affiliates of the Customer, its financial situation and operation; no other documents or information which could adversely affect Ozon’s opinion in assessing the potential risks associated with execution or performance of the Contract exist, and the Customer is not aware of any facts, issues or other circumstances which have not been disclosed in writing to Ozon the disclosure of which could affect Ozon’s willingness to enter into the Contract with the Customer.

4. Freedom of the Contract 

Prior to the Contract execution, the Customer:

(a) has not experienced inequality of bargaining power, and approval of the other content of the terms of the Contract was not substantially hindered;

(b) had a reasonable opportunity to review the terms of the Contract and to participate in determining its terms and conditions by providing its comments concerning the text of the Contract;

(c) has carefully studied the terms and conditions of the Contract and has independently accepted all the terms and conditions of the Contract in their entirety without amendments on the basis of its reasonably understood interests.

5. Unburdensome nature of the Contract 

Neither the entire Contract nor any of its terms:

(a) shall deprive the Customer of the rights normally granted under contracts of this type;

(b) shall not exclude or limit Ozon’s liability for violation of the obligations under the Contract; and

(c) shall include terms manifestly burdensome to the Customer.

6. No risk of liquidation or insolvency 

None of the following events occurred and does not occur on any date during the term of the Contract:

(a) the Customer decides to liquidate itself;

(b) the net assets of the Customer at any time during the term of the Contract are less than the amount of the minimum authorized capital required by the laws of the Customer’s Country (if applicable);

(c) The Customer submits an application for the application of bankruptcy procedures to him or becomes insolvent (bankrupt) or declares a moratorium on the satisfaction of creditors' claims or becomes unable to pay his /her debts;

(d) The Customer submits an application for the appointment of a trustee in bankruptcy, interim trustee, trustee or bankruptcy trustee or agrees to such appointment.

7. No obstacles to perform the Contract 

Execution or performance of the Contract does not violate and will not result in violation of:

(a) the charter or other corporate or other internal documents of the Customer;

(b) the provisions of any legislative or regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and/or the Customer’s Country;

(c) any orders or decisions that are applicable to the Customer, issued by courts, commercial courts or arbitration or government agencies; or

(d) any terms or conditions of any other agreements or contracts to which the Customer is a party, or such that are binding on the Customer; and will not result in default under any such agreement or contract.

8. Compliance of item with contractual requirements 

The Customer confirms that each item meets all requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation and/or the Customer’s Country and the Contract (to the extent that it is subject to such requirements); and the Customer undertakes to comply with all of Ozon’s requirements to the list of the goods posted, the quality of their images, the description of the goods as well as other requirements in terms of the information provided by the Customer to the Platform via its PA. The Customer shall be obliged to assist Ozon in making checks of goods and Item Pages for their compliance with the requirements of the laws of the Russian Federation and/or the Customer’s Country and the Contract, as well as to perform Ozon’s decisions taken as a result of such checks.

9. Advertising 

The Item Page, its images and descriptions, advertising and marketing information (including, but not limited to, placement of advertising materials in the order transferred or in the item packing) have no watermarks, links to the Customer’s website or other resources on the Internet (except for information about the website of the Customer, the manufacturer and/or the importer on the item itself or on its packing).

10. Rights of third parties 

The Item Pages created by the Customer, information in them as well as other records and information transferred to Ozon in connection with the Contract:

(a) do not violate the legal requirements of the Russian Federation and/or the Customer’s Country, the legitimate interests and rights of third parties (including, without limitation, the intellectual property rights) and are permissible for posting on the Internet; and

(b) do not violate the personal dignity, honor and good name, business reputation, privacy, personal and family secrets, and other intangible benefits; the Customer has duly received (and at the first request of Ozon is prepared to provide) the consent of all third parties to use of the images (including their photographs, works of the fine arts, audiovisual and other similar works in which they are depicted).

11. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) 

In respect of the Item Pages created, their components and/or other records transferred to Ozon in connection with the Contract, the Customer has duly received:

(a) the exclusive right (or license/right to use and permit other persons to use) to any IPRs contained therein;

(b) all necessary consents to use the IPRs without specifying the name of the author and/or other persons who participated in their creation as well as to publish, modify, abridge, and complement, supply them in use with illustrations, a foreword, afterword, comments or any notes; and

(c) all necessary consents to use of trade and other names, trademarks, service marks, trade designations, images and/or other third parties' IPRs protected.

12. Claims 

The Customer undertakes to address any claims independently and at its own expense:

(a) in respect of the goods offered for sale on the Platform (including, among others, any claims in connection with aftersales service of the goods) as well as undertakes to compensate Ozon for all documented and reasonable costs, expenses, and losses associated with consideration of such claims by Ozon;

(b) related to damage/loss of property of third parties, which occurred as a result of the transfer of goods that do not meet the requirements of the Contract;

(c) in connection with violation of the rights or legitimate interests of third parties (including intellectual property rights) or any Representation. When considering disputes, the Customer should intervene at Ozon’s request on its side (without prejudice to Ozon’s other rights) and compensate the latter for documented and reasonable damage caused by the proceedings and their consequences.

(d) if Ozon receives claims from the IP rights holder and/or exclusive distributor (hereinafter referred to as the IP rights Holder) about the violation of exclusive rights in connection with the placement of the Item Page by the Customer on the Platform, Ozon has the right to block the Page of the relevant item on the Platform, making it inaccessible for ordering Clients. In case of disagreement with the blocking, the Customer, independently and at his own expense, undertakes to negotiate with the Copyright Holder to settle his claim.

Ozon resumes the provision of services under the Contract in relation to the relevant item in the event of:

(1) if the Copyright Holder has applied to Ozon with a request to unblock the Customer’s Item Page;

(2) if the Customer has provided Ozon with the official written consent of the Copyright Holder to unblock the Item Page or a court decision confirming that the Customer’s placement of the Item Pages does not violate the rights of the Copyright Holder of the exclusive right;

(3) if Ozon determines that the information contained in the Item Page does not violate the rights of the Copyright Holder.

13. Intellectual property 

Either party shall retain all intellectual property rights, trademarks and/or other intellectual property (including logos, designs, drawings) which can be used within the Contract (IP Objects). Execution of the Contract may not be interpreted as granting the Customer any licenses and/or rights of use in respect of Ozon’s IP Objects. Without Ozon’s prior consent, the Customer may not publicly refer to Ozon’s trade name (as well as its logo or trademarks). Ozon may publicly refer to the Customer’s trade name (as well as its logo or trademarks) to indicate it as one of the Customer s on the Platform as well as in other circumstances. Either party undertakes not to register the IP Objects similar to the IP Objects of the other party and not to use the information provided about the IP Objects of the other party except in connection with performance of the Contract.

14. Parties' assistance 

The parties shall provide each other with reasonable assistance in protection of the IP Objects (including by advising each other of all known or suspected falsifications, copying, imitation or other violations of the rights to the IP Objects). At the same time, in order to avoid doubts, only the right holder shall retain the exclusive right to initiate proceedings in respect of the IP Objects owned by it.


1. Confidential Information 

Confidential information means any information that has become known to the Parties in connection with the Contract, which has commercial value for any of the Parties due to its unknown to third parties, including but not limited to:

  • inside information, trade secrets, personal data,
  • know-how, intellectual property,
  • information about products, deals, customers, price structure, marketing strategy, commercial opportunities, etc.,
  • information on the types and prices of goods / services, the amount of commissions and other payments under the Contract.

Confidential information under the Contract may be transferred by the Parties to each other both with and without a confidentiality stamp. The Parties may indicate the Confidentiality of the transmitted information in letters, acts of acceptance and transfer of documents, in e-mail, orally or in other ways.

The Parties undertake:

(1) use Confidential Information only for the purposes of the Contract;

(2) transfer Confidential Information only to those of its employees who need it for the purposes of the Contract, and with whom confidentiality obligations have been signed;

(3) not disclose Confidential Information to third parties without the consent of the transferring Party (except for disclosure to its professional consultants or on the basis of a reasonable request from a government agency);

(4) protect the received Confidential Information from unauthorized access by third parties for 3 (three) years after the termination of the Contract.

2. Personal Information 

The provisions of the “Personal Data Clause” apply to the relations of the Parties.

3. Personal Data of the Clients 

In cases where the Customer receives the Clients’ PD from Ozon and / or transfers PD to third parties to organize the delivery of goods to the Clients, the Customer is obliged to comply and oblige such third parties to comply with the rules and principles of processing PD of Clients provided by the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 № 152-ФЗ “On personal data” and other applicable regulations, while remaining responsible for the actions / inactions of such third parties in relation to the Clients' PD, as well as:

(a) to destroy or ensure the destruction by third parties of the PD of Clients when the purpose of their processing has been achieved (sale of goods to a Client), or when Ozon informs about the absence of grounds for their processing, as well as, upon Ozon’s request, to provide evidence of destruction or ensuring the destruction of Clients’ PD by third parties within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of such a request;

(b) to provide with the information on the activities of third parties on the processing of PD of the Clients necessary for its control at Ozon’s request within 10 (ten) calendar days from the date of receipt of such request;

(c) immediately (within 24 (twenty four) hours from the date of discovery) to notify Ozon about the leakage of Clients’ PD and/or other incident with Clients’ PD, as well as to provide detailed information about the leakage and/or other incident at pdn@ozon.ru.

4. Responsibility for violations in the field of personal data of Clients 

The Customer is responsible for any possible claims that may arise in connection with a violation of the legislation of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination on PD, including as a result of the Customer’s use of the Customer’s PD for purposes other than specified in this section, or due to non-compliance with security and confidentiality requirements and undertakes to compensate Ozon for documented losses of the latter caused by such a violation, including reimbursement of the amounts of possible fines, penalties and compensation that may be presented to Ozon for payment in court or out of court, within 5 (five) business days from the date of receipt of the relevant demand from Ozon.



1.1. Information about Customer’s warehouses 

The Customer in the PA indicates information about one or several Customer’s warehouses, from which the goods are shipped, remaining responsible for the relevance of this information. At the same time, the Customer undertakes to indicate in the PA all the information necessary for filling out about the warehouse and preparing the order. Ozon has the right to set the minimum and maximum time required to prepare an order for shipment to the Customer.

1.1.1. Integration with the Partner’s warehouse 

If the opportunity to choose the Partner’s warehouse is available to the Customer in the Personal Account, Ozon integrates, on the Customer’s instruction, with such Partner (Fulfillment Partner) of the Customer for the purpose of transmitting statuses (including acceptance, processing, storage, shipment of goods) on behalf of the Customer.

1.2. Information about the goods available for sale 

The Customer is obliged to indicate in the PA the quantity of each of the goods that he is ready to sell to Clients from each of the Customer’s warehouses, and to keep the data on such quantity up-to-date in real time. Such goods become available on the Website for ordering.

1.3. Information about orders 

When placing the order for the Customer’s goods on the Site, information about this is displayed in his PA. The order information includes a list of the goods ordered by the Client, their quantity and price.

1.4. Confirmation of the readiness of orders 

The Customer undertakes to indicate the completion of the assembly and packaging of the order by putting down the appropriate status of the order in the PA.


2.1. Choosing the Delivery Service 

The Customer in the PA indicates the delivery method from among the available ones or his own Delivery Service (if such option is available in the PA). Ozon places information about the Customer’s Delivery Service in the Customer’s Item Page. Ozon has the right to ask the Customer for documentary confirmation of the conclusion of an agreement with the chosen Delivery Service.

2.2. Delivery parameters 

The Customer in his PA specifies his own delivery parameters (delivery geography, order shipment and delivery time, etc.). With a Non-integrated delivery method, the Customer undertakes to deliver by courier-to-door delivery. With an Integrated delivery method, the required delivery parameters are displayed in the Customer’s PA based on the parameters specified by the Delivery Service.

2.3. Updating information about the Delivery Service 

With the Non-integrated delivery method, the Customer is responsible for the validity of the specified delivery time. If, according to information available to Ozon, the delivery time specified by the Customer differs from the actual delivery times to the Client, Ozon may unilaterally adjust such delivery time settings. With the Integrated delivery method, Ozon, on behalf of the Customer, may update the necessary delivery parameters without obligation to notify the Customer.

2.4. Transfer of personal data to the Delivery Service 

Ozon collects personal data (including order data) of Clients and transfers them to the Delivery Service on behalf of the Customer.


3.1. Order transfer procedure 

The procedure for transferring the generated orders is determined by the agreement between the Customer and the Delivery Service. Prior to the transfer of the order to the Delivery Service, the Customer undertakes to check the status of the order to ensure that the order has not been canceled or otherwise changed in status by the Client or Ozon. The Customer bears any negative consequences associated with the transfer of the order after the order has been cancelled. The Customer is responsible for the discrepancy between the transferred goods to the Delivery Service and the Client’s order.

3.2. Terms of transfer of orders 

The Customer undertakes to assemble the order, indicate the appropriate status of the order in the PA, and also transfer the order to the Delivery Service no later than 24 (twenty-four) hours before the date of shipment of the Order. The order (properly packaged) shall be accepted by the Delivery Service before the shipment deadline. Otherwise, Ozon has the right to cancel the order by notifying the Customer no later than 2 calendar days before the actual cancellation of the order.

3.3. Notification of the transfer of the order to the Delivery Service 

The Customer within 24 (twenty-four) hours shall transmit to Ozon the information about the transfer of the order to the Delivery Service, including the correct track number the tracking of which displays the status confirming the acceptance of the order by the Delivery Service.

3.4. Delivery status 

With the Non-Integrated delivery method the Customer within 1 (one) calendar day from the moment the order is actually delivered to the Client indicates the current status in the PA. . If the delivery status is not updated in time, Ozon has the right to cancel the order.

3.5. Track number 

The Customer is obliged to provide Ozon with a valid track number to track the order using systems commonly used to track shipments moved by delivery services. If the provided track number is not tracked, Ozon may send a request to the Customer about the need to correct the track number. With the Integrated delivery method, the Customer is obliged to send a request to the Support Service to correct the track number within 2 (two) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request from Ozon.

With the Non-integrated delivery method, the Customer is obliged to correct the track number on his own in the PA within 2 (two) calendar days from the date of receipt of the request from Ozon.

Ozon has the right to cancel the order with incorrect or untraceable track number.

3.6. Reliability of status 

The Customer shall be fully responsible for the accuracy of the information about the delivery status of the order. If the Customer does not timely enter information on the status of the order delivery, then Ozon has the right to cancel the order, as well as lower the quality indicators of the Customer’s service, while the Customer bears the risk of all negative consequences of order cancellation. If the Order, which Ozon canceled as a result of the Customer’s late provision / failure to provide the status, was actually delivered to the Customer, then Ozon is under no circumstances responsible for the negative consequences resulting from such an action / failure to act by the Customer. In the event the track number is not updated, or is updated incorrectly by the Delivery Service, as well as with the Non-integrated delivery method, Ozon, on behalf of the Customer, has the right to track the track number on its own, including through the tracking systems, and update information on the delivery status. Ozon is under no circumstances responsible for the negative consequences in case of receiving false information about the status of the order from the Customer or the Delivery Service. Ozon is under no circumstances responsible for negative consequences in case of receiving false information about the order status from the Customer or the Delivery Service.

3.7. Breach of the transfer deadlines 

If the Customer does not transfer the order within the specified time frame or untimely sends Ozon information about the transfer of the order to the Delivery Service, the order is deemed not transferred, and Ozon has the right to cancel the Client’s order, as well as lower the Customer’s service quality indicators.

3.8. Breach of delivery time 

If the Customer does not ensure compliance with the delivery time of the order to the Client, Ozon has the right to cancel the Client’s order. Ozon has the right to send a request to the Customer to clarify the actual delivery time. The Customer is obliged to respond to Ozon within 1 (one) calendar day from the receipt of the request.


4.1. Ozon’s right to cancel the order 

Ozon has the right to cancel orders for the Customer’s goods in the event of improper fulfillment by the Customer of its obligations, including, but not limited to, if the orders are not submitted within the specified time frame and incorrect indication of the delivery address to the Client, shipment of goods with characteristics that do not correspond to the Item Page, shipment of goods prohibited by this Contract for the sale, mass complaints of Clients about the quality of goods, repeated indication of incorrect track numbers. Such cancellation of the order is not recognized as a violation by Ozon of its obligations under the Contract. The Customer is responsible for all negative consequences associated with such actions, including possible claims and/or claims made by the Client in connection with such a cancellation of the order, as well as a decrease in service quality indicators up to the suspension of the provision of services under the Contract.

4.2. Customer’s right to cancel the order 

The Customer has the right to cancel his orders, but is responsible for all negative consequences associated with such actions, including possible claims and claims made by the Client in connection with such a cancellation of the order. The cancellation of the order by the Customer is also recognized as receiving information from the Delivery Service selected by the Customer about the cancellation of the order.


5.1. Item return 

Subject to the consumer protection legislation of the Russian Federation the Client may refuse the goods at any time before receiving them as well as return goods in accordance with the Terms of Sale of Goods via Ozon Platform, taking into account the specifics established in the Contract.

If the Client makes a request for the return of the goods, the Customer shall consider such a request and within one (1) calendar days make one of the following decisions:

(a) agree on the transfer of the goods by the Customer for return;

(b) return the money to the Customer without actually transferring the goods for a return;

(c) partially compensate the cost of the goods to the Customer;

(d) refuse to approve the return of the goods if there are grounds provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation (if Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination, the Contract and Terms of sale of goods for Individuals.

The Customer informs Ozon of its decision on the return, after which Ozon refunds the money paid for the goods to the Client. Settlements between the Parties shall be made in accordance with the general procedure stipulated by the Contract.

5.2. Procedure for considering a claim and appeal 

The claim and/or the appeal is received by Ozon and forwarded to the Customer for consideration. If the Customer does not make a decision within one (1) calendar days Ozon makes a decision on his own. The Client and the Customer shall have the right to involve Ozon in the proceedings on the request and Ozon’s decision is recognized as binding on the parties (provided that it meets the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation (if the Russian Federation is the Country of destination) or other Country of destination, including the consumer rights protection legislation).

5.3. Claims for goods worth up to 1,500 rubles 

In the event that the Clients present claims about a low-quality item with a price of less than 1,500 Russian rubles (or its equivalent), the Customer instructs Ozon to exercise refund of money without necessarily sending the goods for inspection.

5.4. Claims for goods costing from 1,500 rubles 

For claims about low-quality goods with a price of 1,500 Russian rubles (or its equivalent) after the return of the goods to the Customer, he makes a decision on compensation, on the basis of which Ozon, if necessary, returns the funds to the Client. The Customer undertakes to provide a complete and correct address for return of goods in Latin or Cyrillic in the PA. Ozon or the Customer informs the Client of the address for returning the goods (Customer’s address) within 1 (one) calendar day upon the Client’s request, in the absence of a complete and correct address for return of goods the Customer instructs Ozon to return the money to the Customer without obligation to transfer the goods. The Client independently chooses the delivery service to return the goods from those available in the Client’s Personal Account. The delivery of low-quality goods and/or bulky goods is carried out at the expense of the Customer upon presentation by the Client of a receipt for sending the goods. At the same time, the Customer instructs Ozon to compensate the Client for the return shipment when the Client provides a receipt for the shipment of such goods by deducting the cost of shipment from the funds to be transferred to the Customer under this Contract.

5.5. Refund based on expert opinion 

If the Client provides an expert opinion confirming the manufacturing defect, the return is possible within a reasonable time, but in any case no more than two years from the date of receipt of the goods. The Customer compensates the Client for the cost of the goods, the costs incurred for the examination, as well as the costs of returning the defective goods upon presentation by the Client of the receipt / receipt of the goods dispatch. If the Customer does not resolve the issue with the Client within one (1) calendar days after the Client’s request, Ozon independently decides on the claim.

5.6. Return of goods of proper quality 

Goods of good quality can be returned on the terms and conditions set forth in the Conditions of Sale of Goods with Delivery from Abroad. Refunds to the Client are made in accordance with the legislation and the Contract. All shipping costs are borne by the Client.

5.7. Checking the item of proper quality 

The Customer is obliged to receive and check the goods and notify the Support Service about the receipt and the results of the check within no more than 40 (forty) calendar days from the moment the item were sent by the Client. If the Customer has not notified Ozon’s support service within 40 (forty) days, Ozon will return the money for the goods to the Client without agreement with the Customer. The goods are considered lost on the 41st (forty-first) calendar day of shipment.

5.8. Partial compensation for the value of the goods 

At the request of the Customer, Ozon provides a service for calculating partial compensation for the cost of the goods to the Client. In his request the Customer after Client’s approval informs Ozon of the amount of partial compensation, and Ozon transfers it to the Client within 1 (one) business day. The cost of the service is equal to the amount of the partial compensation. The Client who has received compensation has the right to return the goods for other reasons. In this case, Ozon will refund the paid amount for partial compensation to the Customer.

5.9. Returning goods costs 

The Customer bears all possible costs, including those related to exchange rate differences in case of money return to the Client. The Customer is obliged to reimburse Ozon for the cost of the returned goods indicated in the PA at the time the Client placed the order (by deducting funds in accordance with the Contract).

5.10. Communication between Customer and Client 

The Client can contact the Customer at any time of delivery or after receiving the order, and on any issue. The Customer is obliged to provide a response to the Client within 3 (three) calendar days. If no response is received within this period of time, the dispute is resolved by the employees of Ozon, without the participation of the Customer.



1.1. Advertising service for the promotion of goods 

In addition to the obligations set forth by the Contract, Ozon shall provide the Customer with advertising service on promotion of the Customer’s goods that includes:

(a) placement of the Advertising Materials of the Customer in the Recommendation Blocks on the Platform and on other websites in order and within the terms hereunder;

(b) other types of services separately agreed by the Parties.


2.1. Rights of Ozon 

Ozon shall have a right:

(a) to change format and design of the Recommendation Block without the Customer’s consent;

(b) not to accept for placement the Advertising Materials that do not comply with requirements of the Item Requirements Section;

(c) to determine independently a list of Ozon partner websites for placement of the Recommendation Blocks with the Customer’s goods;

(d) to delete data in the Advertising Campaign Section upon expiry of six months after the turning off, without a possibility of further data recovery;

(e) in order to increase quality of provided services, to conduct tests, in the framework of which the Advertising Materials display in the Recommendation Blocks can take place with changes in format, design of the Recommendation Block and the terms of display;

(f) to suspend the provision of the services to the Customer due to technical, technological and other problems delaying the provision of the Services, while eliminating these problems.

2.2. Guarantee of compliance with the law 

The Customer guarantees compliance with the effective laws of the Russian Federation, including compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law No. 38-FZ dated March 13, 2006 “On advertising”.

2.3. Documents request 

At the request of Ozon, within 1 (one) calendar day, the Customer shall provide Ozon with documents confirming compliance with the laws of the Russian Federation, including the Federal Law No. 38-FZ dated March 13, 2006 “On advertising”.


3.1. List of Advertising materials 

The Customer shall determine independently the list of goods for promotion and the Advertising Materials by adding them to the Advertising Campaign Section in the PA. Ozon shall verify Banners for compliance with the Advertising Materials Requirements Section within 2 (two) business days. Ozon shall be entitled to refuse provision of advertising services on promotion in relation to any Advertising Material, including without explaining the reasons.

3.2. Type of advertising campaign 

The Customer shall determine independently the type of advertising campaign from the number of available ones for each of the Advertising Materials.

3.3. Advertising material placement 

The Customer shall determine independently a place for each Advertising Material placement from the number of available ones.

3.4. Rate definition 

The Customer shall determine independently the Rate of Ozon Remuneration for each of the Advertising Materials within the limits agreed upon by the Parties. The more is the Rate amount, the higher is the probability of Display in the Recommendation Block, subject to other factors (relevance of the offer for specific Client, etc.).

3.5. Start of services 

Ozon shall start to provide services in the following events:

(a) in relation to all Advertising Materials added to the Advertising Campaign Section, when the Customer sets a “Turn On” status in the Advertising Campaign Section in the PA, at the same time, if the Customer did not fix the Rate amount, the minimal rate will be applied;

(b) in relation to specific Advertising Material, when the Customer adds it to the Advertising Campaign Section and fixes the Rate amount, provided that the “Turn On” status is set.

3.6. Termination of services 

Ozon shall terminate to provide services in the following events:

(a) in relation to all Advertising Materials added to the Advertising Campaign Section, when the Customer sets a “Turn Off” status in the Advertising Campaign Section in the PA;

(b) in relation to specific Advertising Material, when the Customer deletes it from the Advertising Campaign Section, provided that the “Turn On” status is set.

(c) in relation to all goods and Banners, in the event if the total cost of Ozon services for the reporting period exceeds the limit set by the Customer in the PA, or if the Customer has a debt on any services provided under the Contract.

3.7. Statistics 

Ozon shall provide the Customer in the PA with statistics containing data on Displays and on amount of attracted goods. The Parties shall recognize Ozon statistics as the sole reliable source of determination of the amount of services provided and the amount of Ozon remuneration.

3.8. Suspension of services 

Ozon shall have a right to suspend provision of advertising services on promotion in relation to the Advertising Material in the event that a fact of presence of unauthentic information in it is revealed, or in the event of other violation of requirements to goods and Advertising Materials set forth by the Contract.

3.9. Additional services 

By agreement of the Parties, Ozon may provide the Customer with services for the special placement of Advertising Materials. The Customer sends a request to Ozon for the provision of such services through the PA or by e-mail. If the Parties agree on the parameters for the provision of services, Ozon posts information about essential conditions (Advertising Materials, terms and procedure for special placement) of their provision in the PA, and the Customer accepts them by pressing the “Confirm” button by the Customer.

3.10. General provisions about discounts 

The Customer may provide the Clients with discounts on his/her goods.

In order to provide discounts, the Customer in the Personal Account:

(a) launches his/her own advertising campaign and independently determines the terms, goods, conditions, etc.; or

(b) adds goods to one of the Ozon’s advertising campaigns (the conditions and terms of these campaigns are determined by Ozon independently); or

(c) selects goods to be added to the advertising campaign, suggested to be added by Ozon. Ozon has the right to suggest the Customer to participate in the advertising campaign by adding his/her goods to the advertising campaign at least 7 (seven) days prior to its start and by sending Notices about this. The Customer changes the list of goods added to the advertising campaign at his/her own discretion within a certain number of days, specified by Ozon, before the start of the advertising campaign (if such a period is specified by Ozon). Upon the expiration of the period specified by Ozon, the Customer shall recognize all added goods as participating in the advertising campaign in full compliance with the terms and conditions of such advertising campaign.

In order to launch his/her own advertising campaign, the Seller independently determines in the Personal Account:

  • type of the advertising campaign;
  • advertising campaign period;
  • parameters of the buyers’ audience;
  • list of goods (from among those available to be added to the advertising campaign);
  • other necessary conditions.

The Customer launches the advertising campaign by changing the status to ?Active? in the Personal Account.

By launching his/her own advertising campaign or adding goods to the Ozon’s advertising campaign, the Customer unconditionally agrees that the discount is provided to the Clients at the expense of the Customer on the terms and conditions specified in the Personal Account.


4.1. Remuneration amount 

Procedure of Ozon remuneration payment shall be determined depending on the type of advertising campaign chosen by the Customer. The total sum of Remuneration makes the total of Rates. Remuneration shall be displayed in the PA of the Customer in the Advertising Campaign Section and shall be determined basing on Ozon statistics.

4.2. Calculation of remuneration on CPC 

Ozon remuneration for the Advertising services on goods provision (CPC Rate) shall make an amount in rubles.

4.3. Calculation of remuneration on CPM 

Ozon remuneration for the Advertising services on goods provision (CPM Rate) shall make an amount in rubles.

4.4. Attracted item price 

For the purposes of Ozon remuneration calculation, Attracted Item Price is a price fixed by the Customer and determined at the moment of execution of order by the Client on the Website.

4.5. Limits of the Rate amount 

The Customer shall determine Rates amount within the limits of maximal and minimal values set by Ozon in the PA.

4.6. Remuneration payment procedure 

Remuneration payment to Ozon that is calculated at the rates specified in the PA, on the base of the amount of services provided in the reporting period and converted at the rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of provision of the relevant service shall be carried out by deduction from the funds due to the Customer and being transferred in accordance with the Contract. In the event of negative balance on the account of the Customer, the latter shall be invoiced for payment of Ozon services. The remuneration of Ozon for the advertising services is included in the total remuneration for all services rendered.


5.1. Liability of the Customer 

The Customer shall be independently and totally liable for the content and the reliability of information contained in the Advertising Materials, and for violation of third parties’ rights (including, but not limited to, rights on results of intellectual activity) resulted from the use of the Advertising Materials provided by the Customer.

5.2. Compensation for Ozon’s damages 

If Ozon receives third-party claims related to violation of their rights, appeals of state authorities in connection with placement of information under the Contract, the Customer shall indemnify for losses, costs, expenses incurred by Ozon, unless It happened through the fault of the Customer.


The Terms of sale by residents of the Commonwealth of Independent States are located here.


Procedure for the provision of services be Ozon Logistics Partners is located here.

Extra links 
  • List of changes in the contract
  • Constitutional documents
  • User-generated content policy for Ozon resources