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RTB House中國區(qū)負責人Oliwia Jankowska與服裝在線零售商Lovelywholesale的Lesley Wang進行了一次深入的對話,就疫情封鎖對消費者行為產(chǎn)生的影響、新的大環(huán)境下公司工作方式的轉(zhuǎn)變以及如何針對當下爆火的電商方向做出業(yè)務(wù)調(diào)整進行了探討。探討過程中,Lovelywholesale透露了其在疫情期間持續(xù)盈利的“秘密武器”。









Lesley: 我們的主要目標是在ROI的基礎(chǔ)上增加流量,推動銷售,實現(xiàn)業(yè)務(wù)增長。我們與RTB House合作的營銷推廣結(jié)果喜人,這有助于我們實現(xiàn)目標。此外,RTB House團隊很專業(yè),能及時響應(yīng)我們的市場需求,在市場營銷方面也經(jīng)常給我們提供很好的建議。總的來說,我們對此次合作的結(jié)果是非常滿意的。

Oliwia:貴司對此次和RTB House的合作滿意嗎?為什么?

Lesley: 滿意的,因為ROI和銷售額都達到了我們的預(yù)期值。


Lesley: 最滿意的部分非ROAS率莫屬,畢竟我們對高轉(zhuǎn)化率和流量是抱有期待的。

Oliwia:貴司與RTB House展開合作時,最認可RTB House的哪一點?

Lesley: RTB House是專注跨境電商賣家店鋪營銷推廣和廣告推送工具的公司,合作過程中,我們最認可的是其給我們公司帶來的出色的廣告效果。

Oliwia:在如此多變的局勢之下,貴司對RTB House提供的技術(shù)支持作何評價?

Lesley: 盡管當下局勢多變,RTB House也總是能很快對我們提出的問題做出反饋,并給出很好的建議和專業(yè)的支持,我們非常欣賞這一點。

Oliwia:您會向其他人推薦RTB House嗎?為什么會?

Lesley: 我會向別人推薦RTB House,因為其有專業(yè)且負責的團隊來幫助我們實現(xiàn)提額目標。哪怕是在疫情期間,我們也能得到其有力的支持、快速的市場反應(yīng)和與我們有效的溝通來為我司控制成本,從而為我司實現(xiàn)業(yè)務(wù)增長。

Oliwia Jankowska, Business Development Manager at  RTB House speaks with Lesley Wang from Lovelywholesale about the impact of the current lockdown on consumer behaviour, ways in which adjusting work habits have allowed the company to transition to the new status quo, and how retargeting supports this popular ecommerce website in achieving their goals.

Oliwia: Have you noticed any specific changes in your consumers’ behavior during the pandemic, e.g. changes in product categories, traffic, types of devices, or shopping patterns?

Lesley:Consumers have been buying more activewear, sleepwear and various home products. These categories have seen higher traffic and conversions.  We [have also]  observed a drop in purchases of swimwear and other outdoor products.  Overall, we have seen that more people are buying online, although daily traffic and conversion rates are more unstable than usual and we have been spending more time analyzing these changing patterns.

Oliwia: How did your company adjust to the lockdown? How did you support your employees during this time?

Lesley:   We started working from home during the lockdown and adopted a more flexible approach. We didn’t have too many adjustments to make because we are used to online work. Most tasks can be done quite well online. We did introduce some new tools or started to use others more frequently, such as Zoom for online conferences.

Oliwia: Have you noticed any benefits to this situation? What did you learn over the past few months?

Lesley: It has driven us to think more about expanding the range of our products, such as sleepwear or underwear. We also added some extra categories associated with this new lifestyle.

Oliwia: What are your business goals? How do we help you achieve them?

Lesley: Our main goals are focused on generating traffic and driving sales with a good level of return on investment (ROI). The results of the marketing campaigns that we launched with RTB House have been good and are helping us reach our goals. Furthermore, the RTB House team is professional and responsive to our marketing needs. We communicate often with them, and they give us good suggestions. Altogether, we are very satisfied with the revenue generated from such campaigns.

Oliwia: Are you satisfied with the results? If yes, why?

Lesley: Yes, I’m satisfied with the results because both the sales and ROI are, in most cases, in line with expectations.

Oliwia: Which campaign’s metrics satisfied you the most?

Lesley: Definitely the return on advertising spend (ROAS). We are also hoping for a better conversion rate (CR) and higher traffic

Oliwia: What do you value most in your company’s cooperation with RTB House?

Lesley:  As RTB House is a company that provides knowledge and tools focused on performance, we definitely appreciate the results of our advertising performance.

Oliwia: How do you assess the support provided by RTB House, especially in the context of the recent situation?

Lesley: We can always count on good and professional support. Given the dynamically changing situation, we also appreciate that they are always very responsive to our questions and needs.

Oliwia: Would you recommend us? If yes, why?

Lesley: Yes, I would recommend RTB House, because the team is professional and we always reach our goals.  Even during these challenging times, we can count on their stable performance, the way they keep control over our budgets, their quick responsiveness and mutual feedback.

(編譯/雨果網(wǎng) 揭易熹)

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